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Empress, makes people seeing not pure his face top actually is what facial expression.As he is hearing iron soldier, this phrase,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, the body form is tiny tiny on moving, obviously some surprised.Doubt of took a look oneself this strikes by lightning an immovable inferiority, not obviously understand why will he have this surprised performance.
He the nest of lazy ocean ocean take one in the facial expression asking of silk investigation among the chair way:"Card Mou Er, why will peep out surprised facial expression, how, have you ever heard the affair of iron soldier as well?"
The card Mou Er comes out shadow, polite openings way:"Yes, on the lord.I at become your near before waiting on, the person who once listenned to home town once says these people.They are to follow a divine star source in the beginning of, but after the absolute being of the star source captured planet Pluto just difficult to express emergence of.Hear they the inchoate time is very weak, the kid here's a finger pushes them to for the ability.Just afterwards not know what fortuitous, just grow up till now this kind of to make people smell the degree that the direction of wind changes."
These affairs say not and it may be said the not known exerts, connect the Hong calm down of the body also cannot help but moving to move.Smile don't smile of say:"Your pouring is clearly understand and to the utmost say some affairs that the other people don't know, by so doing is really leaves to all make people have no from the judgment."
Card Mou the Er is self-satisfied on smiling, he just a little expresses in the in front recently of literally some.This is completely in favor near wait on a standard performance, but can't make people feel bad impression.See his this time shape,Beats by Dre Just Beats, very feel interesting in the heart, is unexpectedly some kind of don't think the attitude of Wu, obviously is very satisfied this kind of become intimate with but again without affectation of performance.
Even if is a patron saint monster,will feel lonesome.The card Mou Er is one to be partial to a material, he never participates the important event in the dark temple and just devote is speaking some wild joy of smelling stir nearby, let his day once was unlikely of so boring.This person is most important to understand proper restraint very much, always can't participate the affair that oneself should not involve, from the time of beginning be so.It still keep being so now.Be still regarded as to be satisfied with now to his earth's surface.
The Hong is quiet to still and in quiet lie prone on the ground, people could not feel her existence.And seemed to be also to really forget her the ground exist, Wu from pull card Mou Er to ask some country romances.Although he is a patron saint monster.But the peacetime cuts off little go out, even if want to know what affair.Use the mirror of gold is all right all of a sudden.Just use the mirror of gold where have like this interesting now, he has never smiled so for a long time already.
At this time, among the dark temple big palace suddenly appear a burst of uncanny space motion.Once the facial expression change and flick to say:"Go, the Hong was quiet, you descend first.If occupying me will let card Mou the Er call your ground."
The Hong calms down to quietly start, the slightest can not tell to have kneel Fu to produce behind for a long time of unwell.She quiet one gift, turned round to leave a big palace.Half-way root even the heads didn't return once.Card Mou the Er is in mind to secretly praise a , immediately the Gong body prepares to leave a big palace.Who know but stopped his activity.Orderany him to beside stand attendant.
The motion in the air is more and more strong, together and thin and feeblely the figure appears gradually among the big palace.The card Mou Er lowers the head.See not pure face up have what facial expression.Who don't also see, in that shadow of human figure become that a moment clearly, in the his eyes the small intention to murder of flash across.
>,Beats Detox;.
Sen, you are this lazy guy.Is finally willing to give up back!"
The bearer is impressively exactly the absolute being graveyard that once appeared in the thou of lazy absolute being Joe Sen, it is after to break the soldier shot Kui dish on that day Long Cheng.He then takes Mo and north and breaks a soldier to urgently wear to leave of effort.Tidy up the dish Long Cheng Di's wreckage.However he all anyway cans not finds to contact a star pole noodles of those destroy slice, had been dragging along till now just from work properly side to return.
Joe Sen hears the ground complaining at this time.Peep out helpless smiling face on the face.He lightly says:"Was cripple slice of to throw, so delayed some time.Is sorry, however I should be the expectation that didn't be ungrateful to you and send to that person star pole noodles.That small guy growth the ground is very quick, how, exchange blows smooth?"
≫;|I the ground real strenght descended now many?The soul of negative star gives that boy ruin to say not and connect to take of I that was diverted, also been concealed by fog to thoroughly destroy.That damns a ground of guy, I can't definitely pass them!"
Joe Sen's facial expression is a bit surprised, obviously and really don't know these affair.Certainly, his fee exerts all sorts of hardship just from worked properly side back, how might know these newses.Just hear of diverted be destroyed of news, he not only didn't get angry and on the contrary peeped out a silk to peculiarly smile an idea to say:"Ruined and then ruined, anyway you that is diverted is not normal either, current of you can compare much better before."
The card Mou Er hears here, is a really unbearable surprised mood, raised head to see Joe Sen's one eye.Although this lazy absolute being is very lazy,the absolute being knows but much more intelligent than the ordinary people.He feels that someone is peeping himself/herself, hence then raises head to follow that vision to hope.
When he discovers the card Mou Er body up that near wait on of clothes, immediately don't think the moving of idea opens vision and be calm at the same time of say:"You this guy taste become quite good, that is near to wait on much more easy on the eyes than the wanting of past."
>|.Need not to doubt.To, you just came back and gave you the lane to order to deliciously answer.Card Mou Er, prepare quickly, let Wei cook Zhang Shao, Joe Sen, you have never tasted Wei for a long time the cook is of vegetables ……"
The card Mou Er comes out a big palace, of the orotund gradual dissipation is in the breeze.However that cold idea that engraves a bone but stay in the card Mou Er heart, he suddenly worries about own chastity.
The peacetime returns a nothing important felling, but today of but performance of particularly"sweet and charming", card Mou the Er Be a bit bad to coldly thought of, those two people can't be legendarily break Xiu peach for cent, lord Mr. dislike most of is this kind of affair.He with difficulty mixs filling the vacancy of an iron soldier quota, don't want to be excluded because of this matter.
The card Mou Er thoughts and feelings confusion of rush through to go to the kitchen, the step slightly shows a bit unsteady.He walks too hurriedly, therefore didn't hear next dialogue among the big palace.
Joe Sen helplessly looking at to still need idle several cents than him of and say with a smile:"Have never seen for a long time you have so fascination and unexpectedly want to play joke on one near wait on.How, what special place does he have?"
>.And return calculate loyal.If he withstands this test, I prepared to weigh to use him."
Joe Sen shakes, the obviously right test method disagrees very much.Two big men flirt, this wants to test what, test that near the acceptance ability for waiting on?
The card Mou Er makes oneself resume by quickest speed as usual, he the order kitchen prepare banquet, oneself then follows original road to return to a big palace.He continuously of walk to big palace doorway for do-it-yourself mental state constucting, until.Card Mou the Er Be in mind and silent to say:"I am a well-known deicide Yun month, lose can lose as well to a person of lord, ignore is who, can not let I falter half cent!"
If someone can hear this time in the mind words, will definitely shockedly stare eye pupil.Star pole the cutthroat of the noodles seniority first, deicide Yun month, unexpectedly run a dark temple to be one very small near wait on, and a be is a lot of years of, this exactly conceals among them what secret secret?
>;.Contain how of hidden, from he not the action of the taboo card Mou Er to see, know that he has been complete the person whom this is near to wait on to be into he.Is own next person certainly ……
At this time, sit among the big palace of 2 people looking at the card Mou Er air such as often of emergence, the flash across in eye doesn't together and not easily realize of applause.Their instauration is common of style, no longer play joke on this wretchedness of near wait on, this lets card Mou the Er relaxed a lot.About understood in his heart before and exactly is what is the row, hence as for the female relatives of Sen in home that is then continuously in mind to send greetings to with Joe, the smiling face on the face but become all the more civility to get up.
Is far in the dark evil city, the persons like excellent bud,etc looking at the square of those thousand the Chuangs 100 bores and peeps out helpless smiling face on the face.Those were living in dark evil city, is more similar than guest in the door's existence, finally peeped out ashamed smiling face.They are ashamed to return ashamed, should learn by exchanging views of Related articles:

