
Beats by Dr Dre Pro relationresultWe

Love ,you excited ? , relationresultI am not excited ,this time the orc warrior competition ,human beings can also participate in ,as long as human beings can win the orc warrior ,can obtain the reward ,to determine the winner after the orcs ,humans anyone can to Orc crown ,Asia ,Ji Sanjun as well as the top ten challenges ,where the Challenge winner ,you can get all the reward challenge orc .
Gallo said .relationresultThe orcs do is none other than to human demonstration only, but this time humans to many master ,ORC is so their top ten to stability of human ? Xiao Han analysis .
relationresultBrother ,we play ? Kiara expect asked .relationresultIt is not clear ,but this time the orcs that want to humans show of force ,if not frustrate their spirit ,estimated once the war ,human morale will be extremely low, and orc this trick can also be out of human strength ,it is one of two ! Xiao Han exclaimed .
relationresultBrother ,I want to try the strength ! Kiara tract .relationresultXiaoHan surprised : want to play ? , relationresultWell . Kiara nodded solemnly .relationresultWell ,if you want to play ,then the Windy City ,to the human ,we also make an effort .
Xiao Han nodded ,his identity is not possible next challenge ,himself a Kiara ,is a woman, so to battle, but he who !relationresultXiao adults ,adults see love ! Cat dog stooping ran before the road .
relationresultThe old fox to do? Murphy has rhyme purple messages, but if there is a rhyme purple message ,he never ran to tell me ah ! Xiao Han the hearts can not help but to several channel .
relationresultThe men into the living room to the music ,I . , relationresultKiara nature, and ran out of the house ,so big that is to ramble Orc imperial capital ,dropped in to buy some orcs native products ,a group of women to go out ,do not have to worry about security ,there are four Jianshi in ,there are dragon thirteen ,this gang of woman safety security !relationresultAfraid oftheir life is really too beautiful ,and Long Shisan the nuisance ,but so big in ,or the Dragon thirteen is three days not to fight ,never ending expose tile !relationresultXiao .
New leaders saw Xiao Han ,then submissively path .relationresultIs the new patriarch ,okay? Xiao Han smile , son, fast tea ! , relationresultXiao adults ,the tea I had drunk ,or not .
New wave channel at .relationresultOrcscan tea ,is Xiao cold my first tea drinking is not used ,it is not drinking drinking habit ,that is now almost daily tea without joy .relationresultXiao adult, here to talk in third the ear ? Love asked with great care .
relationresult,here is all around me, but tell me . Xiao Han a laugh ,this love so careful, what is it ?relationresultI heard Xiao brother not long ago with a wolf cavalry commander Bruce made a deal ? Love asked in a whisper ,it seems that he is twelve points circumspect .
relationresultXiaoHan face : new chiefs came to know ? , relationresultBruce recently sent to several tribes ,that is to sell their grain ,sixty gold meal prices ,far below the human ,and the number ,there are more than two million tons .
Deng said .relationresultnew patriarch is presumably the one that been informed ? Xiao Han know ,this love is to bypass the werewolf Bruce directly to buy their own food ,if he and rhyme purple relationship, the price at least to reduce some ,this old fox hit abacus was shrewd .
relationresultButit is their own, would do the same .relationresultOh ,yes ,so today I came to see Xiao . Deng laughed ,with smart people talk don equivocate .relationresultNew chiefs want to do, please say ? Xiao Han tao .
relationresultI want to make a deal with Xiao adults ,adults do not know Shaw ? Deng said .relationresultTrade ? , relationresultOre for food ,we fox Terran ore although no werewolves so much ,but it is the best quality ,as long as the Shaw adult can we want food ,we change .
Deng was slightly excited .relationresultXiaoHan is intended to let Bruce do this ore for food distributor, so they don too much contact with the orcs ,to avoid being criticized, but if this is refused it, seemed a bit unreasonable .
relationresultnew patriarch ,unknown you can show how much ore ? Xiao Han that asked ,he has the blue sky to raise grain went, and Hongxiutianxiang chambers also in Xiao Han requirements under the secret to raise food ,to prepare for the next may be very large ore for food trading ,short-term in light of, food to Orc hand that is aiding the enemy ,but with this batch of ore similarly ,human benefit ,Beats by Dr Dre Pro,once started ,food is important, but the weapon is more directly ,so the bill together, or human made ,but make the people he Xiao Han .
relationresultThree hundred thousand tons ,this is our one point one points from the mouth of fox Terran save . Deng said ,ORC bitter ,every year the ore mined basically with humans for various materials ,sometimes to food ,ethnic and even took their only stock are sold out ,can ,but also the cold stone bumps do? , relationresultThe morepowerful werewolf family of human can be no good ,Xiao Han mind away ,Bruce is not a good agent ,but the fox Terran good, although they are better than the werewolves more greedy and cunning ,but their congenital inadequacy, fox people not on the battlefield ,their warrior even less than human ,and the fox because the head ,the orc levels of bureaucracy accounted for a large proportion ,especially the civil service ,fox Terran occupies nearly 1/3 strong ,be not it deliberately suppressed by Fox ,Terran one ,at least can occupy half of the Empire civilian orc .
relationresultAgeneral rule explore and expand ,spirit of literati ,coinciding with the troubled times ,Fox family except people brains ,also need other means to ensure their own safety .
relationresultProxy incident,Xiao cold heart is a vision ,in the absence of complete with Bruce ore for food before the trade ,he won say to him ,and there seems to be a more appropriate agent .
relationresultFood isthe lifeblood of the orcs ,not good at farming wisdom race while force is powerful, but has been human pressure badly ,because this is .relationresultI can give you food ,but also very favourable prices ,than Bruce give you much lower ,but ,I have a condition .
Xiao Han smiled tract .relationresultOnDeng Xiao Han agreed ,as long as the ore for food ,and give a lower price, as long as not betrayed Orc imperial thing ,what can not promise ?relationresultXiao adults please say .
Some exciting new .relationresultI need more ore ,don new patriarch can do for me? Xiao Han tao .relationresultThis ,this ... ... New bow thinking ,he is Fawkes Roman family patriarch ,and orcs Empire Chancellor Li Xiao Han ,the presentation of this condition ,he will understand ,the human appetite is not small ,bold ,but the orcs Empire ,it is beneficial !relationresultThis oreall some possession, like the three families are in possession of more than 10 million tons ,if can draw three group with ore for food words ,from their own act as a go-between ,just slightly adjust the price ,the price difference is that the astronomical wealth ,this is definitely a big temptation ,good fathers by the shortness of breath . Related articles:

